Going to Market & a 3rd feature.

What started out as a very difficult multi month procedure to get a video completed was starting to flow.  We were learning lessons the hard way & getting faster & knew what we wanted out of the actual video product.  What we were missing was the business infrastructure.  For help with this we turned to local film making power house Hoptocopter Films.  

I had heard of these guys for years & knew they were the best around & honestly was intimidated to even call them assuming I could not afford them or they would not have time to look into my little spin video idea.  Owner Seth Schaeffer was more than open to the idea & immediately had some ideas of his own to help get us further along.  These included video acquisition & editing ideas, how to get funding, how to make a website to deliver the products & many more.  

We had been attempting to do everything in house using the best equipment we could afford & editing the first 2 videos together in what we felt was a quality product.  It was good for what we had but Hoptocopter brought with them tens of thousands of dollars of filming equipment & many years of high end production.  Their resources were so deep we could not conceive of turning out a product at their level.  However after throwing some ideas around their efficiency proved to be so good they could help us turn out a 3rd video in fractions of the time we were spending on our own & for about the same amount of money.  

Once again a huge lesson was learned & we hired them to film & edit the 3rd feature of our Mountain Bike Spin video series.  For this one we stayed close to home working at the 18 road trail network just north of Fruita CO.  This is an open & flowey series of high desert trails.   It was a nice location with good visibility for beautiful long shots.  Hoptocopter brought the equipment too!  They were using 2 super high end cameras one of which attached to a Movi balanced stabilizer which when operated by a skilled cinematographer allows them to literally run alongside the rider & film these amazing shots impossible to get with traditional means.  That long with some serious drone helicopter flying skills made the 18 Road video shoot something to get excited about.  

Even though Hoptocopter showed us a high level of production value & incredible efficiency that matched our own investment into each production I was quickly running out of money.

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